Living Differently: Living With Our Differences.

Living Differently: Living With Our Differences.

Living in a complex world with its continually changing systems can be difficult for anyone. Each person has his own convictions, world views, and value systems. Some are inherited, others can be imposed upon, and also learned from the community and the society in which the person has been brought up. One thing is sure, that we all will have to live with our “differences”. When we fail to live with the distinct convictions and traditions we think is right, we may feel isolated and rejected by the community. What do the followers of Christ do in such circumstances?

Let us find the solution from the Scriptures and learn to make a difference by living differently. The statement made supposedly by Augustine of Hippo (early Church father) is noteworthy: “In Essentials, UNITY; in Non-essentials LIBERTY; in Everything CHARITY”. I have a book in my personal library titled, “LORD MAKE US ONE, BUT NOT ALL THE SAME”. It says it.

  1. Different Identity in One Family (Galatians 3:26-29). When we choose to follow Christ and we become born again, water baptized and join to the Body of Christ, we do not lose our identity. Male remains male, a female remains female; a gentile remains with the gentile identity and a Jew remains with the Jewish identity. The grace of God transcends all barriers, distinctions, and segregations and bring all at the same level as members of one family, yet keeping the distinct identity we all carry. Be proud of who you are in Christ and the national/racial/cultural identity and you carry.
  2. Different Operations of One Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 12:4-12). The manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit are supernaturally distributed to each one as the Spirit determines. There are different operations but all are under the inspiration and guidance of the One and the same Holy Spirit. If one is gifted with the Word of Knowledge, do not envy the one who is gifted as a miracle worker. You can serve with your different gifts and talents God has invested in you. It is God’s idea to fill you with a different operation of the same Holy Spirit. Be different and live with it.
  3. Different Fields of One Mission (Galatians 2:8). God’s mission field is the world, with all its variety of languages, people groups, cultures, and differences. The method and practice we apply in one nation and culture group may not be accepted in another one. The message never changes, but the methods may vary in communicating the Gospel to the fields. Peter the Apostle admits that he was chosen by God to be an apostle among the Jews, while Paul was gifted and sent to be a missionary among the gentiles. They both are servants of one Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, and with one message, the Gospel. But they have chosen to go to two different fields and be different in their approaches to the people whom they were ministering to in Christ’s name. Be different to make a difference.
  4. Different Measure of One Faith (Romans 12:3). Faith has a different measure. Different believers will have different measures of faith. It does not make one a better Christian and the other a not so better Christian. It is just the way they are and God has accepted them both and will use them. My level and depth of faith may not be equal to or can be measured up to another brother or sister’s faith. All are encouraged to grow in the faith. However, being different in your exercise of faith as per the measure of your faith is not to be spoken against or criticized by another. It is OK to have different measures of faith and endeavor to grow in your faith. Differences in your level of faith is not a matter of discrimination.
  5. Different Convictions of One Salvation (Acts 15:5-32). Salvation is by grace alone and by faith in Christ alone. The early Church had to face the challenge from the Jewish converts about their opinion of the Gentile converts. Certain among them argued that the Gentile Christians ought to follow the Law of Moses and be circumcised to become a follower of Christ. However, the Apostles were convinced that the grace of God transcends the religious systems and observations and affirmed the body of believers that the gentiles are equally fellow believers by the grace of Jesus Christ and apart from the observance of the Law. Salvation is through Christ by His grace and all are brought to the same body through grace. If the Law is doing any good to you, go ahead, and please observe it. But the New Covenant has been established since the Cross of Christ, and the old is null and void as it is fulfilled ( Hebrews 8:13; 10:9). Different convictions of the same salvation are Ok to a certain extent, so long as the finished work of Christ on the cross is fully accepted by the repentant sinner.

Can I be different and still live with in the same family? Yes. No two children in the family are alike. The parents have accepted both of them equally. Therefore, may we learn in harmony and unity yet with our differences in the same family of God?

God bless you.  

Pastor Joe Kurian

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures.

Gen 1:26

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Isa 40:31

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