A Chosen Generation

The church is specially blessed to have so many talented and enthusiastic young people is in its midst and in the body of Christ. When many youth in the UK are leaving the church in their hordes, the Southall Church of God is different. Youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, VKC moderators, media coordinators, worship team leaders and members, actors and actresses, preachers are just some of the roles and responsibilities filled by those under 25 years of age. The youth are using their situation of singleness to serve the Lord Jesus. Instead of resenting attendance at church, they positively embrace it.

The youth meeting, led by David Mammen and his assistant James Kumar, is a taste of the flavour of youth ministry and encompasses God-focused worship, preaching, teaching, prayers, topical discussions, activities; this summer there is also a planned evangelistic youth evening and football tournament both hoping to attract several unchurched youth (running for many years). As the adult church members continue to minister as role-models, mentors and intercessors for our young people, we can expect that the best days for our young people are ahead. God bless our youth !


Every Sunday 02:15 p.m.


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