Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges


You can experience church in a whole new way at SCOG. Southall Church of God is a unique place where you’ll feel at home the minute you walk in the door. Not only will our casual atmosphere set you at ease, but you’ll see a caring focus on people with authentic spirituality that brings real meaning to everyday life.

Who comes to SCOG?

Anyone and everyone is more than welcome. SCOG has a very mixed congregation who come together from a variety of backgrounds and traditions.

How long are the services?

We have two services, First service last about 60 minutes and Second service last about 90 minutes and contain music and teaching from the Bible that will apply directly to your life.

Is there a dress code?

No. Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you as long as modest and presentable and not offensive to others. We dressed to honour God and respect the others. 

Will I be singled out if I'm new?

Absolutely not. You are our guest. Each Sunday, there are lots of people just like you who are checking out SCOG for the first time. Our goal is for you to have the best experience possible. So you can feel free to be anonymous.

What about my kids?

SCOG has an exciting Children’s ministry where your kids will be taught the Bible in age-appropriate classes. Our environments for our kids are safe, fun, and effective. Our goal is to make church on Sunday the best hour of your kid’s week. 

All volunteers working with children have a current DBS (formerly CRB) certificate and we adhere to an up-to-date child protection policy.

Can I park at the church?

We have limited car parking available on both sides of the church.  However, there are plenty of spaces either right or left car park (£1.20 /hr) outside the church or in the surrounding streets till 02:00 pm and after 06:00 pm its free.

Do you collect money during the service?

In short, yes we do. We believe that giving our money to God’s work in this Church is an act of worship. If you are not a regular attender of the church, please don’t feel pressured into putting anything into the offering bags.

Will I be asked to do anything during the service?

No, nothing to fear! Whilst a number of people from the congregation play an active role in our services, we want SCOG to be as safe and as unthreatening a place as possible, so you will never be asked to do anything you do not want to do.


How do I get involved?

There are all sorts of ways to get involved at SCOG, whether it is participating in a Home Group, or assisting in the various activities run by the church. If you have an idea of what you would like to do, get in touch with a relevant team member to have a chat about how you can get involved or talk to one of the leadership and they’ll point you in the right direction.

If you are unsure about how to get involved, simply complete our welcome form, and a member of the church staff will follow up with you to discuss the options and work out what would be most appropriate.


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures.

Gen 1:26

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Isa 40:31

New Here?

Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!!
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