Restoring the Riches of God

Restoring the Riches of God

“.. that you may know.. what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” ( Ephesians 1:18)

Did you know that you are rich? I mean really rich with imperishable and eternal inheritance that is transferred to you at the very moment you were born again by the Spirit of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Or were you ignorant of this heavenly blessings that are credited to you at your conversion? God’s riches are transferred to the believer through the grace and love of Christ.

There are many Christians who live with a poverty mentality though their accounts are healthy and have surplus. It seems the riches that are legally theirs are not claimed or possessed by the beneficiary. The believer who lives in spiritual poverty and self-pity is in need of a restoration of the riches promised to them by the heavenly Father. There are churches that are desperately in need of a revival of restoration in the spiritual riches that are bestowed upon the body of Christ.

What are we expected to do?

1. Recognise the Riches of God. (Eph.1:18) It means to know, distinguish and identify God’s riches that are made available for the believer in Christ. Ignorance can steal the blessings that are rightfully yours. The Apostle Paul prayed for the Christians in Ephesus “that they may know what are the riches of His inheritance. ” . A lot of believers are unaware of the spiritual wealth and the supernatural resources at their disposal. This has caused many to live a defeated Christian life in a world under the dominion of the evil one. However, those who have discovered their position and privileges in Christ and are exercising their legal rights have moved on and are becoming more mature and competent in their spiritual lives and service to God. We may discover God’s…

a) Riches for our Reconciliation

b) Riches for our Redemption

c) Riches for our Justification

d) Riches for our Salvation

e) Riches for our Adoption

f) Riches for our Forgiveness

g) Riches for our Sanctification

h) Riches for our Fullness

i) Riches for our Edification

j) Riches for our Glorification

2. Receive the Riches of God by Faith. (Eph.2:8; 3:20). God’s blessings are not for the elite and the super humans. It cannot be obtained by manipulation or can they be purchased by money. God’s blessings and favours are given to the underserved and unworthy who reaches out to Him in child -like faith. God’s riches are provided for the disobedient, the fleshly natured and the children of wrath (Eph. 2:1-3) Spiritual blessings are provided as a free gift to the fallen man, who is spiritually broken, poor, hopeless and have come short of the glory of God. It is supplied, “ not on our merits, but by His grace”. All the riches of God can be transferred exceedingly and abundantly as we approach Him in humility and by faith.

3. Restore the Riches of God for a Renewed Life. (Eph.4:23) God’s riches are given to make the fallen man a new creation who will be fit for God’s family. When the believer lives with the spiritual wealth that are given through Christ by grace, man is transformed and renewed in his thinking and walk. Instead of a filthy rag, he will be wearing a robe of righteousness. The stranger is made a fellow citizen and a member of the household of God. Those who were afar off are brought near and the Gentiles and Jews are reconciled and built together as a welling place of God in the Spirit. Thus the results of restoring the riches of God are incalculable.

Dear brothers and sisters, and friends, have you been the beneficiary of the riches of God? Have you lost or neglected the spiritual inheritance once given to you by the grace of Christ? Now is the time to receive and to restore the riches of Christ and live a fruitful life for the Saviour.

Pastor Joe Kurian

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures.

Gen 1:26

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Isa 40:31

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