The fact of being different in a world of diversities and divided worldviews and lifestyles is not easily grasped by all people everywhere. The general tendency of the average person, community, ethnic group, religious, racial, culture, and language groups is to see and treat the “different” person as a stranger or even an enemy or threat to their existence. And yet the Creator of mankind has a purpose and plan to achieve His will through the differences and diversities that exist in humanity. By being different one doesn’t have to be distant or divided. He/she is equally valuable for the divine plan orchestrated by the Lord God.
- Difference Defines Identity. (Galatians 3:26-29). There is no distinction in value or identity in the family of God when a person accepts Jesus Christ and Saviour and Lord and become a member of His Body, the Church. The male, female, Jew and Gentile, slave and free, and all are considered children of God. A person can become a believer and follower of Christ, without losing his/her national/racial, linguistic identity. My faith in Christ allows me to follow the Scriptural practices fully and function as a member of the universal Body of Christ.
- Difference Determines Efficiency. (Romans 12:4-8). God has not created or purposed all men doing one thing only. Multiple tasks and different undertaking makes the work easier and done more efficiently. The diversified spiritual gifts are given to different people as the Holy Spirit distributes for divine purposes. God wants the prophet to achieve the intended outcome, by the exercise of his gift. An administrator cannot and is not assigned to do the pastor’s work. The overall task of ministry and the divinely ordained assignments can only be effective with different talents, gifts, and enablement in man by God.
- Difference Develops Zeal. (Numbers 13:30; 14:24) The twelve Israelite spies who were sent by Moses to examine the promised land of Cannan and bring back reports were not all of the same perspectives of what they saw. The report brought by the majority of them was negative and this has discouraged the people to move forward. Well, though it was a negative report, this has developed a zeal and courage in the person of Caleb, who was one among them. He stood out and made his different speech and courageous approach in possessing the Promised Land. When we see fear, negativism, indifference, worldliness, and compromise in our faith and in our churches, we must not sit quiet and let it pass by. The believer must stand up for the truth of the Word and be active with the zeal of God and dare to be different.
- Difference Design the Destiny. (Daniel 1:8; 6:3,28 ) . Daniel is first seen in the Book of Daniel as a young and handsome captive from Judah who was undergoing a tough training in Babylon. He was determined to be different in the essentials, like worship, dietary laws, and other Jewish customs that were dear to his heart. His devotion to the living God and his consistent prayer life was threatened by the jealous-filled colleagues in Babylon. But nothing has changed the decision and determination of Daniel to compromise with the pagan worship or other compromises. His destiny was different from all his colleagues as God has honored him. God has a divine destiny for each person, but every test and trial is a form of designing your destiny.
- Difference Delivers Remarkable Accomplishment. (Acts 6:1-7) God’s ultimate purposes will be achieved by unique individuals, groups, and unusual incidents. The Church in Jerusalem had differences among the believers that nearly divided them and arrested the advancement of the mission of Christ. The Hellenistic Jewish believers were complaining about the Hebrew Jewish believers of the neglect in the food distribution. But the timely intervention of the apostolic leaders and the wise spiritual counsel they offered to the body of believers have helped the furtherance of the work of the Church without any interruption. When the matters of concern were brought forward and presented to the believers, an amicable settlement and a direction for the ministry was accepted by all. As a result of this, the church in Jerusalem began to multiply and influencing even priests to become followers of Christ. Praise God, even though the difficulties the church went through, the outcome was remarkable in adding many members to the Church of God.
Dare to be different, dear brother, sister, and friend. God has accepted you as you are, and without trying to be somebody else, he wants you to live and serve Him with your uniqueness. Make necessary changes where changes and transformations are needed in your life. But dare to be different and don’t be ashamed of Christ.
God bless you.
Pastor Joe Kurian
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