Barrenness is considered by some as equal to being cursed. Who wants to live a life of embarrassment, mistreatment and a burden to the society? The original mandate and commission to the first human beings (Adam and Eve) on earth at creation was, “ be fruitful and multiply” ( Genesis 1: 28). God’s blessing upon mankind was a physical, spiritual and social fruitfulness. But what happened to the God-intended fruitfulness?
It seems that the anticipated fruitfulness and multiplication in humanity is missing in the passing of time. There is an increase of barrenness in the people of God. Even if there is some fruit bearing among some, the expected quality is missing. Sin, selfishness, worldliness, compromise, shallowness and many other factors have contributed to this unproductive and fruitless state of the people of God. The Master of the vineyard is disappointed and waiting patiently for fruit that brings glory to Him.
What can be done for the restoration of fruitfulness?
In the Gospel of John Chapter 15, our Lord Jesus has given us the secret of fruitfulness. Let us discover the truth of becoming a fruitful believer and follower of Christ. May we be restored to productivity and quality by following the Master’s plan?
a) Remaining. (John 15:4). Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you”. This is crucial for fruit bearing. It means to be connected, associated, linger and continue. “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” The closeness and intimacy with the main stalk brings productivity in the branch. The loss of fruitfulness is due to the lack of intimacy and consistency in abiding with Him. To abound in fruit bearing, one must abide in Christ. Restore fruitfulness by remaining faithful to the Master.
b) Removing (John 15:2) Fruitfulness can be hindered by unwanted growth that wastes the sap of the tree, and the unnecessary branches that use up the resources for productivity. Jesus spoke to the disciples and said, “Every branch that does not bear fruit, he takes away..”. Why should an unfruitful branch waste the space and energy while remaining in the vine? The Master chooses to remove such branches so that there will be health and fruitfulness in the other branches. Am I reflecting a Christ-like attitude, behaviour, and character and conducting in a manner that brings glory to Him? Are there “branches” that needs to be removed from your life, in order for you to be productive?
c) Receiving (John 15:3,7). The daily, constant intake of the Word is a source of sustenance for our spiritual fruitfulness. Our Master said, “ If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” Our spiritual vitality and productivity depends on the willingness and obedience to the Word of God. When we receive the Word with faith and act upon it, then we will be fruitful.
The Apostle Paul commends the believers in Thessalonica for their enthusiasm in receiving the message of the gospel when it was presented to them. He wrote, “ .. when you received the Word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men , but as it is in truth the Word of God; which also effectively works in you who believe”. (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Colossian believers had the Gospel and they were “bringing forth fruit” as the Apostle Paul wrote to them and delighted in this (Colossians 1:6).
Are you a fruitful believer? Or are you unproductive and lost the strength and vitality? If restoration is required in your spiritual fruitfulness follow the steps as above. God bless you.
Pastor Joe Kurian
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